Instituto de formación de auxiliares de salud a domicilio
Dirección: 321 Post Ave, Westbury, NY 11590
Instituto de formación de auxiliares de salud a domicilio
Dirección: 321 Post Ave, Westbury, NY 11590
Departamento de Educación del Estado de Nueva York autorizado y aprobado
En el Home Health Aide Training Institute, no solo creemos que es parte de nuestra misión educar a nuestros estudiantes para que sean cuidadores compasivos y trabajadores, sino que también creemos que debemos retribuir a las personas de nuestra comunidad. La generosidad comienza con nosotros; pretendemos ser el principal ejemplo de hospitalidad.
Every Friday, our school has bags of groceries delivered from local grocery stores. We donate groceries to our students so that they can keep their families healthy and fed while embarking on their new career path.
Celebrating Six Year Of Home Health Aide Training Institute: Maria Santiago Capps Off Stellar Year With The Presedential Tribute Of Excellence Award.
Supported uniforms for the living faith international churches in New York as well as for the youth in Ghana.
Estamos Destacados En...
Kindness and Fair Payment Are The Future of The Home Health Aide Field, Explains Home Health Aide Training Institute's Maria Santiago.
Celebrating Six Year Of Home Health Aide Training Institute: Maria Santiago Capps Off Stellar Year With The Presedential Tribute Of Excellence Award.
Home Health Aide Training Institute Announces Having Successfully Trained Over 3,000 Home Aides And Nursing Assisstants.
Leading With Heart: How Maria Santiago And The Home Health Aide Training Institute Is Helping Guide The Future of Healthcare Professionals.
Maria Santiago And Home Health Aide Training Institute Have Been Put Empathy Into Caring For 6 Years.
Health Is Comfort And Not Just Staying Alive.
Kindness First: Home Health Aide Training Institute CEO Maria Santiago On Why Aides Need More Empathy.
CEO Maria Santiago Shares 3 Things To Consider Before Starting A Career In The Home Health Aide Field.
Home Health Aide Training Institute CEO Maria Santiago Has Advice For Improving The Home Health Field's Empathy Gap.
Episode 245- Maria Santiago On The Need For Compassion- With Lois Sonstegard.
Maria Santiago Helps Medical Students Share Their Care in America With Home Health Aide Training Institute.
Transforming the Way We Care: Maria Santiago, CEO of HHATI, on the Evolution of Home Healthcare
Coronavirus challenges home health aides as they try to provide safe care.
"Su viaje para compartir el cuidado en Estados Unidos"
Maria Santiago / Directora del colegio
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